About Us

It all started with a vision and a little pain.

Yes, outsourcing companies are in it for the money, but at what cost? It seemed that many of the companies out there spoke a good story, but either could not or would not deliver what they promised.

Our founder, Ed Bellaire, felt that pain, and dreamed of another way of serving clients. MMG was started with the vision to walk out Ed’s personal beliefs of honesty and integrity, to build a company where these core values were always expected.

If you ask most folks that have outsourced a piece of their operation, many have experienced a nightmare of poor or non-existent communication, substandard performance and clever answers. It will not be that way with MMG.

With MMG, you will receive regular communication, expert performance and straight answers. Everyone longs for these few simple things from companies with which they work. Everyone wants the truth of what can and can not be delivered. This business is not rocket science. Rather, it is about creating realistic expectations and delivering at or above those expectations. This, simply, is what we do.

If for some reason we’ve erred in creating those expectations, we let you know ASAP. No dilly dallying…no fluff…just the realistic picture, with multiple solutions to improve the outcome. Its not complicated, its MMG, the way outsourcing should be.

If you’re looking for a company that will tell you what you “want” to hear, MMG is not your choice.

Give us a call. Explore with us. Dream a little.

You might be surprised at how much stress you can remove from your business life by putting a few non-core operations in our hands.

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